Research Solutions

CSR Impact Assessment

India is the first country in the world to make corporate social responsibility (CSR) mandatory. Businesses can invest their profits in areas such as education, poverty, gender equality, and hunger.

CSR is the procedure of assessing an organization’s impact on society and evaluating their responsibilities. Companies now have specific departments and teams that develop specific policies, strategies, and goals for their CSR programs and set separate budgets and “external implementing agencies” to support them.

Need for Impact assessment of CSR activities is to understand –

o Does CSR project create an impact?
o How successful has the project been in achieving planned results for the beneficiaries?
o Are there any winning conditions (enabling environment) to ensure sustainability after the project?
o Are outputs delivered in a cost effective manner, in expected quantity and quality?
o Are the project objectives consistent with beneficiaries needs, state and national policies, and with the partners vision & mission aligned to this project?

Market Search India carries out impact assessment study post conduction of CSR activities to check its effectiveness among beneficiaries.

o The study captured information about satisfaction of beneficiaries in terms of –

o The feedback from the target segments helps the company to understand impact of CSR programs and changes suggested by the beneficiaries to make the activity more effective.

o It also helped to track the performance of the implementing agencies and areas of improvements required.