Rejuvenate A Heritage Institution With New Vision

Rejuvenate A Heritage Institution
With New Vision

Category: Rejuvenate A Heritage Institution With New Vision

Methodology: Qualitative Research

Target group: Association and its key members.

One of India’s oldest Industrial Associations more than 60 years of heritage, was facing an identity crisis. It was founded in a non industrial India to promote education, research, training and development to Indian metal processing industries. But decades later, having grown into a large organisation with 3500 members, there was an increasing feeling among the key members that the association was increasingly losing direction and also traction with Government agencies. There was a general feeling among members of increasing distance between the industry body and key decision making bodies in the Government. There was also a perception that it was a small industrial body working only for small/ medium scale industries with no large corporate members.
They were confused about the association’s role and relevance, values they were providing to its members and industry. They were also unsure of what restricts them from influencing the Government in policy making process and attracting large corporate members.

Market Search India conducted an One day Immersive workshop using Qualitative research techniques to frame the Vision of the organisation and suggest an action plan for achieving the strategic goals.

How did we approach this challenge?

Our initial discussions indicated a strong emotional bond between the association and its key members, which was also partly preventing the members from seeing the reality. In order to help them bring out their inner most feelings, we adapted a projective technique followed by discussions. The projective technique helped to bring out the hidden feelings or emotions from the participant’s mind” to understand the Current status of organisation and the desired future.
The moderated discussions provided an opportunity to reflect on the reality and helped identify what challenges, obstacles need to be addressed immediately and in medium term.

Outcome ..

Market Search India helped this giant of an organisation to create a stated Vision for itself and also prepare a plan of action to achieve the strategic goals.